Page 43 - HDG1173 - CWD Fall 2015
P. 43

Wediquette Bridesmaids’ Duties

                                                                                                Kelly - Kate’s Captures

Before you take                                      So support the bride emotionally in             OPTIONAL
on the big job of                                    any way you can, and that means not        •	 Be down on details. At bridal showers,
a bridesmaid, take                                   whining about the attire she picks out
note of what the                                     for you.                                         help record who gave what gift. This
title entails.                                                                                        job typically belongs to the sister of the
                                               •	 Be a party girl. If feasible and if your            bride or to the maid/matron of honor.
MANDATORY                                                                                             But anyone can do it.
•	 Pay to play. Being a bridesmaid isn’t             job allows, attend all pre-wedding par-
                                                     ties, including the engagement party,      •	 Get your party on. Offer to plan, to
      free, so be sure you can afford the            bridal showers, the bachelorette party
      honor. You are expected to pay for             and the rehearsal dinner.                        host or to pay for a party, including the
      your bridesmaid's dress, accessories,                                                           bridal shower or bachelorette party.
      transportation, hotel accommoda-         •	 Practice makes perfect. Keep your                   This job is another for the bride’s best
      tions, a wedding present and possibly                                                           girls; but when it comes to pitching in
      even a group gift for the bride from           schedule free the day of the wedding.            for a party, the more the merrier.
      the bridesmaids. If you can’t afford           You are expected to participate in the
      the costs, be honest with the bride in         wedding rehearsal and attend any other     •	 Barrage the boutiques. Shopping is
      advance so she’ll either try to work           day-of events.
      within your budget or have time to find                                                         a hard job, but somebody has to do
      a replacement.                           •	 Prepare yourself. Have your attire                  it! Unless the bride prefers shopping
                                                                                                      alone, offer to help her find the brides-
•	 Fuss over the bride – but not about               altered in advance, and make sure you            maids’ and bride’s gowns and even to
                                                     wear bride-approved attire, right down           help her register for the wedding gifts.
      the dress. Remember that you have              to the nail polish.
      the supporting, not the starring, role.                                                   •	 Be the bride’s wedding-day work-
                                               •	 Timely is true blue. Don’t just be on
                                                                                                      horse. She has done all the really hard
                                                     time: Arrive early for every event. No           work, so give her a break on her big
                                                     bride needs to stress out about your             day. Make sure she has a drink and a
                                                     whereabouts when there are so many               plate of food at the reception, and help
                                                     other details to worry about.                    her round up her clothes when she’s
                                                                                                      about to make her getaway.
                                               •	 Hit the floor – but not the bottle. Cut
                                                                                                                                                  Fall 2015 43
                                                     loose and have fun at the wedding, but
                                                     don’t get drunk and make a spectacle
                                                     of yourself at any wedding-related
                                                     event (the bachelorette party is the only
                                                     possible exception to this rule).
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